Constitution of the United Nations Association, London and South East Region
adopted at the AGM 29th November 2020 and amended 20th November 2021
The United Nations Association, London and South East Region is here also referred to as ‘The Region’ or ‘LASER’.
1. Objects
The objects of LASER are to work in London and South East England to:
a. Support and engage with the work of UNA-UK;
b. Build public knowledge of the values, structures and work of the UN family of organisations;
c. Advocate support for – and participation in – UN programmes that help to build a safer, fairer and more sustainable world;
d. Stimulate debate and action on how to make the UN more effective;
e. Address global challenges, including by Influencing decision-makers and opinion-shapers;
f. Form and support branches of UNA-UK in its region
2. Geographical area
The London and South East Region shall comprise a geographical area defined in accordance with the
objects and rules of UNA-UK.
3. Membership
The London and South East Region shall consist of:
a. All UNA-UK branches and youth groups in the geographical area as defined under Rule 2 above;
b. Such other branches or youth groups as may be appropriate
c. All individual members and supporters, corporate members and other affiliated bodies, not being members of a branch, who are attached to the London and South East Region.
d. Individual members and supporters of UNA-UK, or local members and supporters of branches within the region who choose to join LASER. Each member branch shall notify the LASER Secretary of its officers and contact details.
4. Officers
a. Honorary Officer
The honorary officer of the Region shall be acclaimed at an Annual General Meeting and will normally serve for two years (possibly renewable). The honorary officer is: President (selected by the Executive Committee)
b. Executive Officers
The Executive Officers of the Region shall comprise:
I. Chairperson (elected at the AGM);
II. Treasurer (elected at the AGM);
III. Secretary (elected at the AGM);
The Executive Officers shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Region subject to the decisions of the Executive Committee. Executive Officers are eligible for re-election, but will normally serve for no more than four consecutive years in the same post, with the exception of the Treasurer. The Secretary shall be designated the ‘main contact person’ for UNA-UK. After each LASER Annual General Meeting the names and addresses of all officers shall be notified to UNA-UK Head Office.
5. Meetings of the Region
a. LASER shall meet at such times and places as the Executive Committee shall determine, provided that the number of such meetings be not less than three each year. A special meeting shall be called upon
a written request sent to the Secretary and signed by two of the Executive Officers or by ten members of the Region, stating the business to be considered.
b. The Annual General Meeting of the Region shall be held before the end of December each year.
c. The notice convening a meeting of the Region shall be issued at least 21 days before the start of the meeting. Notice of motions and other matters for the agenda must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting. Officers, the Executive Committee, branches, youth groups, corporate members and any six members acting together have the right to send in resolutions and other matters for the agenda.
d. At all meetings of the Region, fifteen shall form a quorum.
e. When a motion is submitted in writing referring to a matter which has arisen too late for formal notice to be given in accordance with paragraph c) of this rule and it cannot readily be moved as an amendment to a motion already on the agenda, the Chair shall declare whether it qualifies for inclusion and it may then be admitted to the agenda on a two-thirds majority vote of the members of the Region present.
f. In the event of a tie on any motion, the Chair of the meeting shall have a second, casting vote.
6. The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of:
a. The Executive Officers of the region;
b. Up to ten members of the Region to be elected at the Annual General Meeting of all members;
c. Two representatives of youth groups in the Region (elected by the youth groups);
d. A representative of the branch currently holding the Stevens Trophy;
e. Not more than three additional members co-opted by the Executive Committee.
7. Nominations for Officers and Executive Committee
All candidates for election as Executive Officers or to the Executive Committee must be nominated by:
a. Any two members of the retiring Executive Committee or
b. A branch or
c. Any six members acting together. Any member of the Executive Committee who, during the year, shall not have attended at least two
meetings shall not be eligible for re-election to the Executive Committee for the ensuing year, except where failure to attend has been caused by sickness or other unavoidable reason. For the purpose of this rule, attendance will be checked by reference to the minutes of the meetings concerned.
Nominations for the Executive Officers and the Executive Committee must reach the Secretary not later
than 14 days before the Annual General Meeting.
Biographical details of candidates shall be circulated to branches and members at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting and will be available at the Annual General Meeting itself. Officers and Executive Committee members shall be elected by those present at the Annual General Meeting.
8. London United Nations Association Trust
In addition to any Officers of the Region serving ex officio or in any other capacity as trustees of the London United Nations Association Trust, the Executive Committee shall nominate two of its members to serve as trustees of that Trust for a renewable period of tenure not exceeding four years.
9. The Powers of the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall have the power to:
a. Act on behalf of the Region in all matters, including finance, arising between Regional meetings;
b. Appoint such salaried officers of the Region as it may deem to be appropriate;
c. Appoint sub-committees with such duties and authority as it may deem expedient;
d. Fill casual vacancies occurring in its members or among the Officers between Annual General Meetings.
10. Meetings of the Executive Committee
a. The Executive Committee shall meet at least three times a year and at such other times as may be necessary
b. A special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be called by –
I. The Chairperson of the Region at her or his discretion or
II. The Secretary on receipt of a request signed by five members of the Executive Committee, stating the business to be considered.
c. Notice of a meeting of the Committee shall be sent to members at least seven days before the date of the meeting.
d. The quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall be five.
e. At all meetings of the Executive Committee, each member shall have one vote. In the event of any tie on any motion, the Chair of the meeting shall have a second, casting vote.
11. Finance
The Region shall be financially responsible for the management of its own affairs and be legally autonomous. The financial year shall end on 30th June. At each Annual General Meeting the accounts for the previous financial year, examined by an independent examiner, shall be presented. In the event of any proposed dissolution of the Region, the Executive Committee shall consider the distribution of any existing funds in the best interests of the Region’s objects.
12. Alterations of rules
The rules of the Region shall be altered only by the vote of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting of the Council or at a meeting of the Council specially convened for that purpose, with due notice given as set out by rule 6c.