In the week up to 24th October 2020, UNA LASER joined with Peace Child International and UNA-UK to run a UN75 virtual festival on Building a More Secure World. We had already been feeling threatened by the devastating effects of global warming. Then, as we became isolated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, our increasing feelings of insecurity led us to try to identify actions to build a moe secure world. We focused on 6 areas of insecurity: health, food, environment, economics, peace, digital. With expert and intergenerational contributors from all over the world, we ran nightly virtual workshops for a global audience, describing the issues and identifying the necessary actions – for individuals, communities, nations and the UN. Here are the agreed Urgent Actions for a More Secure World, which were shared with the UN Secretary-General on 10th January 2021, marking the 75th anniversary of the first meetings of the UN General Assembly and Security Council, which were in London. To see the workshops and read background papers and blogs on the issues, visit the Festival website
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