UNA London & South East Region
Resolutions agreed at
Policy Conferences and Special Regional Meetings up to March 2024
Our resolutions set out what members and supporters think about a wide range of international topics and what action they think the UK Government, the UN and others should be taking.
The full text of current resolutions agreed by members and supporters in the London & South East Region appears is available here: UNA London & South East Region policy resolutions approved as at March 2024. You can click on the links below to see the individual resolutions. (*) means the policy was updated, and (**) means it was substantially updated or new. We have written to the Foreign Secretary to share the new and updated resolutions, and we look forward to sharing the response here in due course. The Policy Comittee will also be considering further means to promote these resolutions. You are welcome to check back here for updates.
Our previous correspondence with the Foreign Secretary and responses received have been as follows
- AGM October 2023: FCDO response to letter to the Foreign Secretary sharing resolutions
- Executive Committee February 2023: FCDO response to Ukraine resolution
- Conference April 2022 : FCDO Response to letter to the Foreign Secretary sharing resolutions
- Conference February 2021: FCDO response to resolutions passed
You are also welcome to quote the views set out as being the view of the UNA London & South East Region if you wish to follow up any of these matters with the Foreign Secretary, King Charles Street, London. SW1A 2AH (email: fcdocorrespondence@fcdo.gov.uk) or with other ministers. If you need the details of your own MP to write to them they can be found here. You can ask for their support in bringing the matter to the attention of the Foreign Secretary or other relevant ministers, in which case the minister is expected to respond.
- Afghanistan’s assets
- Arms Trade impacts on the lives of women and children
- Atrocity prevention
- Climate (**)
- Collective Punishment in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) (**)
- Cybersecurity
- Financial levy for clean water (*)
- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) (*)
- How did Dag Hammarskjold die? (**)
- Human Rights
- Kashmir (**)
- Maximising the impact of the UN’s work
- Nuclear weapons (*)
- Oceans
- Our world after the pandemic (**)
- Palestine 100 years after the Balfour Declaration (**)
- Promoting peace
- Proposed laws restricting boycotts, divestment or sanctions (**)
- Protection of journalists
- Recognising Ecocide as an international crime
- Resourcing to strengthen the UN for current global challenges (**)
- Second Voluntary National Review of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (**)
- Sri Lanka
- Strengthening training and leadership for UN peacekeeping and peace-building missions
- Stripping foreign fighters of their citizenship: International human rights and humanitarian law
- Syria
- The role of women in the UN
- The UK’s diminished role in the UN’s Human Rights treaty bodies (**)
- Treatment of refugees and asylum seekers in the UK and Europe (**)
- UK Aid budget
- Ukraine (**)
- Universal healthcare & family planning (**)
- Women, Peace and Security
- Yemen