UNA LASER Policy Conference

Come and help us decide LASER's policies and priorities for the next year. To register, please go here

Back from the Brink? COP 26 and Beyond

UNA LASER Spring Council (being held virtually), at which we will hear and discuss the science, the politics and the campaigning aspects of preparation for the UN Climate Conference, COP26. To register, go to this Eventbrite page.


Canterbury Cathedral Peace Service

LASER members are invited to join, in-person, the annual Peace Service in Canterbury Cathedral, with its procession of peace-makers. The service will also launch the Canterbury Climate Action Week in the run-up to COP26 in Glasgow the following week.

UNA LASER AGM (online at 2pm)


The AGM will be a zoom event, starting at 2pm. Please regisster here. In addition to the AGM governance items, we shall have inputs focussing on follow-up to COP 26.

Afghanistan – the Way Forward


‘Afghanistan – the Way Forward’ Thursday 9th December at 7 pm UNA Tunbridge Wells & Wealden invite you to this Zoom event. Our two speakers, Dr Aqab Malik and Marzia Babakarkhail, will attempt to give us an insight into the current situation in Afghanistan under a new Taliban government, and talk about future prospects for […]