Digital Security workshop

This workshop is part of our UN75 digital Festival, WHAT NEXT FOR THE UN? Building a More Secure World. See here for more information and to register.

What next for the UN? Building a More Secure World conference

This conference brings together the results of the workshops in our UN75 Festival,  WHAT NEXT FOR THE UN? Building a More Secure World, leading to the launch of Actions for Building a More Secure World. There will also be messages from world leaders. See here  for more information and to register.

UNA LASER Policy Conference

Come and help us decide LASER's policies and priorities for the next year. To register, please go here

Back from the Brink? COP 26 and Beyond

UNA LASER Spring Council (being held virtually), at which we will hear and discuss the science, the politics and the campaigning aspects of preparation for the UN Climate Conference, COP26. To register, go to this Eventbrite page.
