UNA LASER is a member of the Crack the Crises coalition. There is an important opportunity to influence the G7 world leaders due to meet in Cornwall on 11th June. Please add your voice by joining the Wave of Hope and messaging your MP through this link: crackthecrises.org. You can also retweet here. Here is an explanatory letter to British citizens from Desmond Tutu, Greta Thunberg, Lenny Henry, Richard Curtis, Annie Lennox, Tim Smit and many others.
Dear Friends,
Tell the G7 to Crack the Crises – by sending a #Wave of Hope
The past year has been hard for everyone across the world, not least in England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Many people in the UK have lost loved ones; families have been kept apart, and thousands have been left fearing for the future of their jobs and their businesses. Communities have kept going through acts of solidarity and kindness, big and small. From campaigning for free school meals, to volunteering for the vaccine rollout, to keeping an eye out for elderly or vulnerable neighbours. Each act of kindness has been an inspiration to others that has rippled through our communities, spreading a wave of hope across our nations and the world. These actions help prove that though “charity begins at home” – it doesn’t end there.
The UK could be the first major economy to be fully vaccinated. Already there are signs of our streets, towns and cities emerging into the light. Everyone wants life to get back to normal. We believe we can do better than back to normal. We believe people in the UK can use the spirit of togetherness that has been helping us through the covid crisis to now tackle covid globally and also help crack the crises of climate, equality and nature.
On 11th June, the UK will host the world’s leading democratic nations at the G7 Summit in Cornwall. The eyes of the world will be on Britain. This gives everyone a chance to tell Joe Biden, Angela Merkel and Boris Johnson – as well as the leaders of Canada, France, Japan and Italy – what kind of world we all want. A world where there are vaccines for all – because none of us are safe until all of us are safe. A world where we have stopped catastrophic climate change – and delivered a great green jobs revolution. A world where we share in a fairer society for everyone.
From Belfast to Brighton, and Cardiff to Clydebank, over 70 of the UK’s charities and campaign groups representing 12 million British citizens are coming together as the Crack the Crises coalition. We are asking you all to join people across the country at CracktheCrises.org and deliver a positive wave of hope that the G7, gathered by the sea in Cornwall, will not be able to ignore. We are asking you to be part of this special moment, raise your hand and raise your voice. Help crack the crises by joining the #WaveOfHope with us.
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