COP 26: Update and Actions on 8th November


Update from COP 26 on 8th November

Adaptation, Loss and Damage day has led to Christian Aid reporting that climate change could cause 64% GDP hit to world’s vulnerable countries.

Looming crunches and fights are coming up in week 2. The urgent climate-change related needs of developing countries – adaptation, loss and damage, and climate finance – are becoming major focus points where progress is needed in week two. There is also much more urgent progress needed to close the gap to 1.5o, with credible, near-term 2030 targets being critical.

The fossil fuel lobby, with 503 delegates, is bigger than any country delegation, by more than two dozen. It’s been covered by the BBC here.

This video from Vanessa Nakate reminds us of Obama’s unfulfilled 2009 target for climate finance for low-income countries. He spoke at COP 26 on 8th November, reasserting the importance of achieving that $200bn per year.



Saudi Arabia seems to be holding back progress – blocking negotiations and not recognising the loss of human rights caused by climate change. Contact their embassy to encourage them to help negotiations to limit temperature rise to 1.5oC, and to help mitigate the loss of human rights of people in the most vulnerable countries.


Contact your MP to support a finance package for low-income vulnerable countries, including a delivery plan for adaptation funding leading to 50% of climate finance being spent on adaptation, and a way forward on loss and damage. We need to meet promises on finance that were made over a decade ago to help fund sustainable development. Stress, too, the importance of our having internal policies to ensure our reaching the 1.5oC target.

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