It was organised by the Twickenham and Richmond UNA Branch (TRUNA). The theme was:
The UN: Past – Present – and Future?
The speakers were:
Past (from its roots in the League of Nations Union) – David Wardrop
Present (especially on Women, Peace and Security) – Professor Christine Chinkin
Present (especially on Climate Change) – Professor Paul Ekins
Future (on UN effectiveness and challenges) – Professor Sir Richard Jolly
Future (on participation and accoutability) – Dr Sarah Pantuliano (on
To see a recording of the event, please follow this link
- 0:00:00 Trisha Rogers: Welcome
- 0:07.25 David Wardrop: The League of Nations – successes, failures and models for the future
- 0:42.15 Prof. Christine Chinkin: Women, peace and security and other Security Council developments
- 1:20.25 Prof. Paul Ekins: Climate Change – good news, bad news, and what needs to happen
- 2:25:15 Prof. Sir Richard Jolly: UN effectiveness and challenges
- 3:00:35 Dr Sara Pantuliano: Development work that puts people and local organisation at its core.